Student Astronomical Research
and Publication Workshop
Friday, April 14, 2023
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm • Crowne Plaza Conference Center
3 Executive Blvd, Suffern, NY 10901
Hosted by InStAR | Sponsored by InStAR
Bringing research-oriented amateur astronomers together with
astronomy-oriented educators and students!
Please join us to learn about the Astronomy Research Seminar designed to immerse students in a scientific research, communication and publication experience. Students actively engage in astronomical research within a collaborative, team environment supported by a dynamic pro-am Community-of-Practice.
At left: Student presents her research to professional and amateur astronomers, NASA astronauts, educators and students at the NorthEast AstroImaging Conference 2019, Suffern, NY.
Workshop Chair
Dr. Rachel Freed, Consultant, Educational Technology and Curriculum Development
RSVP: 707-326-8310,