Student Astronomical Research
and Publication Workshop
Sunday, July 21, 2019
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm • American Association of Physics Teachers
Summer Meeting • Utah Valley University, Provo, Utah
Hosted by InStAR | Sponsored by PlaneWave Instruments

This workshop prepares high school and college instructors to start their own Astronomy Research Seminar. A dozen high schools and colleges offer this seminar which has produced 150 published papers with over 500 coauthors. Teams prepare a research proposal, manage their own research, obtain and analyze original data, write a team paper, obtain an external review, submit their paper for publication, and give a public PowerPoint presentation—all in a single semester. Seminars are supported by the Small Telescope Astronomical Research Handbook, an open-source learning management system, and a community of experienced professional and amateur astronomers organized by the Institute for Student Astronomical Research (InStAR). Being a coauthor improves a student’s chance of obtaining a scholarship as a result of their demonstrated research experience and encourages STEM careers.

At left: Student presents her research to professional and amateur astronomers, NASA astronauts, educators and students at the NorthEast AstroImaging Conference 2019, Suffern, NY.

Workshop Chair
Rachel Freed, Consultant, Educational Technology and Curriculum Development
RSVP: 707-326-8310, r.freed2010@gmail.com